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Minimal Breakout for MK22FN512VLH12

published on in projects/Bitsy
Since this project involves many firsts for me, I decided to keep the features at the minimal bar - this means no USB OTG, no properly filtered analog references, no RTC. One goal however is to reach 120 MHz which means we’ll need a crystal! Here’s a render of the final board sent to OSH Park: Tips from Teensy 3.1 The Teensy isn’t open-hardware/open-source but it does have some rough schematics that proved extremely helpful. Read More...

Graduating from the Teensy 3.1

published on in projects/Bitsy
For the last year or so, I’ve been using a Teensy 3.1 from PJRC to power one of my projects. I quickly graduated from using the Teensyduino to using pure C. It has been, by far, my deepest dive into the world of ARM MCUs - and we’re about to go deeper! The Teensy I chose the Teensy 3.1 because I needed a cheap, easy to use, yet capable, MCU dev board that I could rapidly prototype with but also as a reference design if I ever dreamt to go to production. Read More...

2048 Plus!

published on in projects/TwosUnlimited
I released my first app for the Windows Phone today! Get it here. The 2048 bug hit my office recently and some of us soon caught the let’s rewrite this fever :) Written in pure C#/XAML. Check out the source on GitHub. Read More...


Projects/Bitsy (4)

Projects/Hanestory (1)

Projects/Pakupaku (1)

Projects/Twosunlimited (1)